Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just You and Me Punk Rock Girl

And My New Year's Resolution is...the same as it was at age 17.

Well, I don't really need to be a bass player, unless in a Dead Milkmen cover band where an attention span is less of a requirement.  I do need to find a way to live the dream.  My Dream.  My stupid, risky "you will loose it all, and it is not really a good idea anyways because other people are already doing it, and there are already too many coffee shops in Asheville though none of them offer to add booze into your beverage so you have that in your favor" dream.  Also on deck: Write an article for publication, comparing both major Punk Rock festivals in the US (Punk Rock Bowling in Las Vegas vs Riot Fest in Chicago.)  I am not sure where this might be published, or how to even sell my written word, but I have a whole lot of something to say about both of my 2013 experiences   Lastly, it is time to get out behind the microphone in dispatch, and behind a microphone in a radio station.  
Bring it, 2014!  
Bring it.

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