Saturday, September 1, 2007

Is that the Acid or just the Autism?

Well meaning ass holes constantly approach his mother in public comment on what they view as her obvious lack of parenting skills. What kind of kid throws himself on the floor in public, right? He does not look like a special needs person so it must be her fault, right? Funny how they never care enough to engage in an actual conversation. Then they would have to see the error in their judgemental ways and apologize. This blows my mind, and gives me pause. I think a bit more before I scowl at folks with loud or differently behaving children.

While his lack of empathy is the source of so many misunderstandings in his life in this instance it allows him a greater freedom.

I recently found the perfect dance partner in this Autistic child. I am used to rocking out in my own special way, but Zachary has brought so much joy into my life with his particular brand of choppy movement. His signature move is a series of downward robotic homeboy slices. No matter the size of the crowd or lack of fellow dancers, he always agrees to dance, or even asks me. He dances in earnest, in his own private world, which I am gifted in sharing. Zachary truly embraces the joy of the dance in a way that acid droppers nation wide can only dream of. I am secretly his understudy.


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