Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lent is Over, Not My Mission!

In order to truly give up clutter, my surroundings must be fabulous!
(I may still be a bit cluttered, but I am working on it every day! All clothing is now in drawers, hanging up or in the wash. No joke!) I decided to paint the wall exterior to my kitchen,as well. I like it!
I am working on my bedroom now, and a gear closet. Pictures to follow!

* "pictures say a thousand words, so why should I?" What ever happened to my old fashioned rants, you ask? I do believe working graveyard shifts this entire year has made me complacent, literally. Ha-ha!

**Don't you just hate it when people use the word "literally" incorrectly? "My son is literally bouncing off the walls!" Oh? Is there a trampoline involved? Did you send him to space camp in space? Or do you mean metaphorically, but just cant get the syllables out? God bless 'em!
(There, a baby rant. Happy?)

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