Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009 Hike

I spent this Halloween on Tanner Beach, which is located at the bottom of, you guessed it, the Tanner Trail. I hiked in with my Ranger friend, Laura, who happens to be made of similar to mine own go-with-the-flow material. She should have been a big mean grouchy panted person, due to cold weather, a surprise upper respiratory infection, and oh, I don't know, being in the backcountry instead of in Vegas for Halloween, but man we had a great time! Even in a tent on sleeping pads, our matching synthetic 25 degree Kelty bags were not sufficient for 41 degree lows. We did not get out on the Beemer trail as planed due to, perhaps being too relaxed and enjoying out vacation too much, or we can blame the nasty chest congestion Laura woke up with on Day 2. I lost one half of my expensive Leki hiking poles down a gully in the dark night at the end of our hike and we then topped out in the chilly night air, to find my truck battery dead.

A BIG Thank you to Dutchy, for the late night Jump and last minute Dachshund Sitting.

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