Monday, November 30, 2009

K Max Heli Lift Truck at the Canyon

Here are some pictures from the vehicle extrication at Grand Canyon National Park, on November 30th 2009.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What I Don't Have

Everything I can possibly give will not be enough for someone whom wants something I don't have in the first place. People are imperfect and varied, which is what makes relationships with other humans so special and wonderful.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Blow Up: Thanksgiving 2009

I am a go with the flow kind of person. I dubiously turn tragedies it into a quirky anecdotes for the amusement of myself and friends. I would much rather laugh about failures and misadventures, than mull over what a fuck up I am, or someone else is.

That being said, I had high expectations for a fun relaxed and insanely busy Thanksgiving in my home this year. The God of propane and propane accessories had other plans. I had a minor gas leak, which took my kitchen out of service for 45 minutes, and my stove out of commission for about 3 hours. Thank goodness for my neighbors and use of their oven. I am glad Brandon was already planing on joining us for dinner, hence had a free oven.Turkey was only served one hour late, and almost every single person had a great time. Its about the people, really, not the stinking bird!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

High on the Canyon: Boundary Patrol

I have muled it in the moonlight, hiked it in deep snow and extreme heat, excavated its history, rafted its waters and swam through its rapids, but nothing made my love for it feel so large as a boundary flight patrol. Damn, I am in love with this canyon!
The Esplanade.
Prop effects.
Best High Ever!
I really do love my job.
Near Peace Ferry and Meadview.
The Meadview Strip with my Park's Patrol Plane.